Monday, March 5, 2012

Film Number 11 The Richie Boys

Film Number:11
Film Name: The Richie Boys
Source: Netflix Instant Watch

I came across The Richie Boys on my Netflix page and decided to give it a watch, because I have not spent much time learning about World War 2 and the premise seemed very intriguing to me.  I love when movies tell real stories that we are not familiar with.  And after watching this one I am disappointed that more people do not know this story and that I myself had never even heard of it.  How many other stories are out there about very brave individuals who helped turn the tides during the war?  We can never know all of them but this one deserved to see the light of the day.

The Richie Boys is about a group of heroic men that were Jewish immigrants.  Instead of breathing a sigh of relief that had escaped pogroms all over Europe, ghettos or ovens and starting new safe lives, they chose to enlist in the US Armed Forces.  Their fortitude was admirable and understandable. Not all of these men enlisted on their own accord however.  At least one was drafted and classified as an "Enemy Alien" that could not even be trusted with a weapon despite his outspoken desire to kill Nazis.  But when they were taken to Camp Richie for training they undertook a noble and unbelievable task of returning to Germany to interrogate German POW's. They would be highly trained in psychological operations and they became dedicated to serving a country that not all were treated fairly in but they were simply "permitted to live" in and they felt a deep commitment to ending the Nazi regime in any way they could.

Most of these men were intellectuals with terrific imaginations and instincts, but were unwanted and undesirables in their homelands.  They were not "fighters" or typical soldiers at all, but they came together and used every ounce of their talents and knowledge to develop impeccable interrogation techniques.  And off they went, back to the Germany that wanted to wipe them and their families off the face of the Earth. Some of these courageous men even parachuted into enemy territory and found themselves utterly alone.

As Interrogators of Prisoners of War, they exploited German's biggest fears that they would sent to Russia as prisoners and trophies.  In their old age these men are finally enjoying a bit of long over due gratitude and attention for their courage and commitment.  They laugh at at their cleverness and openly enjoy each others company on camera.

The IPW's would use psychological tactics to intimidate and extract information from the the prisoners and I found their restraint to be amazing!  The Nazi's would have hunted them like someone hunting down rabbits, but now the tables were turned and these men showed so much restraint it is commendable.  

This production was so interesting and educational it was a terrific watch and entertaining and endearing as well.  This is one of my new favorites and I will be spouting off about it for some time.  The only thing that offended me deeply was the fact that this story had not been told over the past sixty years.  I think there are probably so many other men and women who helped steer the course of history and yesterday should have been the time to hear their stories before it gets too late. 

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